Cowichan Tribes
Education JurisdictionWatch Our Law. Our Vote.

Preparing together:
conversations on our Law
Explore these videos featuring members of the Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum team and our community as they address questions and share insights about our new Education Law. Engaging in this open dialogue is vital for fostering understanding and unity as we approach the upcoming vote.
Genevieve Johnny
When is hul’q’umi’num’ first taught?
Stephanie Atleo
Why is important that everyone votes?
Stephanie Atleo
How will Elders be involved in our new system?
Stephanie Atleo
Will post secondary institutions recognize our new Cowichan diplomas?
Stephanie Atleo
How will teacher certification change?
Troy Elliott
What types of cultural aspects will be incorporated into the Law?
Doreen Pollner
What ages does our education cover?
Joyce Rodriguez
What is a key goal for high school education?
Arvid Charlie
What is an elder?
Stephanie Atleo
What role have you played in bringing Education Jurisdiction to BC and Cowichan Tribes?
Don Rempel
Can the new Law be changed by Chief & Council?
Don Rempel
Will the overall education staffing structure change with the new system?
Don Rempel
How can people learn more about the vote?
Joyce Rodriguez
Vote Testimonial – Joyce Rodriguez
Larry George
Vote Testimonial – Larry George
Troy Eliott
What is the new governance structure of Cowichan Tribes Education?
Peter Johnny
Vote Testimonial – Peter Johnny
Cindy Daniels
How can I learn more and provide input on the Education Law?
Doreen Pollner
How will Elders be involved in our new system?
Don Rempel
Under the new structure will there be an Education Board?
Roxanne Harris
How will the new Law help preserve our language and culture?
Troy Elliott
What will this Law do for Education self governance?
Stephanie Atleo
What is this upcoming vote about?
Cowichan Tribes
Education Jurisdiction Law Vote