Cowichan Tribes
Education JurisdictionWatch Our Law. Our Vote.

our law
Squw’utsun’a’lh Sniw’
‘u tu Stutul’na’mut
Cowichan Tribes have always governed and stewarded our Quw’utsun tumuhw, guided by our laws, traditions, and culture. Education Jurisdiction affirms our inherent rights of self-determination and self-government. In 2022, Cowichan Tribes Members voted to approve the education jurisdiction and law-making protocol agreements with Canada. We are now formalizing this work by creating our own Education Law, rooted in our squw’utsun’a’lh syuw’entst ‘i’ snuw’uy’ulh.
Quw’utsun Snuw’uy’ulh
Quw’utsun education will be guided by our syuw’entst ‘i’ snuw’uy’ulh and reflect the unique knowledge, traditions, language, culture and values of our Quw’utsun Mustimuhw.
Mukw’ tu s’a’luqw’a’
’o’ tth’ele’s tu s-huli
All the (relatives) families
are the heart of life.
Ts’iiyulh ch ’u tuni’
Give thanks for what
you have been given.
Stsielhstuhw tu Sul-hween
’i’ to’ mukw’ lhwet.
Honour the Elders and
every person.
Thuthul’uqtul’ ch
’u kwthu ni’ ’aluxut ’uhw,
’i’ kwthu ni’
’un’ s’ehwe’.
Share what you have harvested
or have been given.
Tl’i’ to’ mukw’ mustimuhw.
Each person
is important.
Hwial’asmut ch tun’ s-ye’lh.
Take care of your health.
’Iyusstuhw tun’a skweyul.
Enjoy today.
Hwialasmut tu tumuhw.
Take care of the earth.
tst ’u to’ mukw’ stem
’i’ ’u tun’a tumuhw.
Everything in nature
is a part of our family –
we are all relatives.
Yath ch ’o’ lhq’il’.
Always be positive.
Tl’im’ ch ’o’ lhq’il’,
’i’ yelh’us qwal.
Be certain before you speak.
Nem’ ch thay’thut,
’uso’ hwu stsuwet.
Go prepare yourself so you can become knowledgeable.
Hwiiw’ tsus tul’.
Teach one another.
tun hi’wa’qw ’i’ tu
Hold your leaders and their
decisions in high respect.
’I’ yetul’ ch.
Treat each other
Ts’i’ts’uwatul’ tseep’,
’u tun syaays, ’i’ mukw’ lhwet
tse’ ’uw’, tslhuw’nus.
Help one another
with your work, and all
will benefit.
Mukw’ stem, ’i’ mukw’
lhwet, ’o’ slhilhukw’tul’.
Everyone and everything
is connected.