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Cowichan Tribes

Education Jurisdiction

Our Smun'eem; Our Syuw'en'; Our Syuth

Watch Our Law. Our Vote.


What our Quw’utsun
citizens are asking

The Education Jurisdiction Project team is dedicated to answering all community questions about the new Education Law. Through the FAQ section, Quw’utsun citizens can find clear answers to their inquiries, ensuring everyone feels informed and confident ahead of the vote and the formal adoption of this important law.

What is Education Jurisdiction?

Education Jurisdiction means that Cowichan Tribes’ jurisdiction to create our own Education Law is recognized for our on-reserve schools, including for all students from kindergarten to grade 12 that attend Quw’utsun schools (Mustimuhw and non-Citizens).

Why do we want Education Jurisdiction?

By overseeing our own education system, we can make decisions in the best interests of our students. The education system will be guided by the Quw’utsun syuw’entst and snuw’uy’ulh as set out in the Law and will serve as the basis for how the Cowichan Tribes education system will operate.

How will Education Jurisdiction and our Law be different from our Band education today?

Under Education Jurisdiction and the Education Law, we will have the control to certify and regulate our teachers. We will be able to approve courses required for graduation that best meet the needs of our students and establish our own graduation requirements. We will continue to teach our traditional ways, and with Education Jurisdiction and our new Education Law, will do more to integrate Quw’utsun ways of knowing, being, teaching and learning into education for our students.

What will be the Governance and Accountability Structure?

The Education Law includes a new governance structure for Cowichan Tribes education. A separate governing body, the Shxuts-xets-tun tu Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum (Board of Directors), will be created to oversee the Cowichan Tribes education system. The Board will include Quw’utsun Mustimuhw, with at least one Quw’utsun Mustimuhw who is a Sul-hween, one who is a youth, and at least one Quw’utsun Mustimuhw who is proficient (and preferably fluent) in Hul’q’umi’num’.

What will be Chief & Council’s Authority?

Cowichan Tribes Chief & Council will still have ultimate authority over and oversee the Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum. Chief & Council will establish laws and regulations, lead government to government negotiations, appoint the Shxuts-xets-tun tu Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum (Board) and annually review and approve the education budget.

What are the Board’s Responsibilities?

The Shxuts-xets-tun tu Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum (Board of Directors) will have the responsibility to implement the regulations established by Chief & Council, and determine policies and procedures for the effective and efficient operation of the Quw’utsun Schools.

Who will manage Quw’utsun education?

The Shsi-em’s tu Quw’utsun Skwoul’ew’t-hw (formerly Education Executive Director) will be responsible for the operation of the Quw’utsun schools and oversee school staff. They will report directly to the Shxuts-xets-tun tu Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum (Board of Directors) and be responsible for the management of the Cowichan Tribes education system.

How will we certify teachers?

In addition to being able to hire teachers with provincial and territorial certificates, the Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum will also be able to hire teachers certified with a First Nations Education Authority (FNEA) Teaching Certificate and certify our own language and culture teachers.

What is the First Nation Education Authority (FNEA)

The FNEA is an independent regulatory body that assists Participating First Nations in developing their education jurisdiction capacity. Each Participating First Nation appoints 2 Directors to the FNEA board. The Directors establish rules over the following areas:

  • Teacher certification and regulation (other than First Nations Language and Culture Teachers);
  • School certification;
  • Graduation requirements; and
  • Approval of courses required for graduation.
Will educational levels and standards be the same as students receive outside of our jurisdiction?

Yes. Our Quw’utsun schools will continue to employ certified teachers and deliver the BC curriculum in our own way. Education standards are equivalent to the provincial rules and over time, working through the First Nation Education Authority (FNEA), we will collaboratively develop and make changes to curriculum, among other things such as teacher certification, school certification, graduation requirements.

Who will the new law apply to?

The Education Law will apply to students living on reserve. If a student wishes to attend a school in another system, they still may. Students can move freely between Quw’utsun schools and the public education system. Our Quw’utsun schools will continue to be open to students who are not Quw’utsun Mustimuhw.

Does Daycare and Post Secondary Fall under jurisdiction law?

The education jurisdiction agreements we have entered with Canada and BC do not include daycare or post-secondary. However, the Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum will continue to manage all education programs, including daycare to post-secondary, under the oversight of Shxuts-xets-tun tu Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum (Board of Directors).

Who created the law?

After Cowichan Mustimuhw voted in favour of Education Jurisdiction in 2022, an Education Jurisdiction Working Group was formed including representatives from Chief & Council, the Education Executive Director, Manager of Education Jurisdiction, Quw’utsun Smun’eem Elementary Principal and Chief Administrative Officer to draft the Education Law. The Education Jurisdiction Working Group, with the Sul-hween Committee and legal counsel, drafted the Education Law.

How will Elders be involved?

Similar to today’s Sul-hween Committee, a Sul-hween Authority, called the Stut ’ul’na’mut Sul-hween, will be created to help ensure that education decision-making processes are guided by Quw’utsun snuw’uy’ulh and syuw’entst. The Sul-hween Authority  will consist of between 5 – 9 Quw’utsun Sul-hween, who are siem and knowledgeable in Hul’q’umi’num’ language and culture.

Who can be on the Parents’ Committee?

A Parents’ Committee will be formed for each Quw’utsun school, made up of parents of students, the Hi’wa’qw Shsi-em (school Principals) and teachers. The Parent Committee will be involved in school level planning, and speak on behalf of all parents with respect to education programs, services, and  decisions that directly and significantly affect the rights of parents or the rights of their children as students.

All parents of students attending Quw’utsun schools will have the opportunity to become a member of the Parents’ Committee.

Will education funding be impacted under the new Law?

Under Jurisdiction, the Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum will continue to receive the same funding and support currently available to other First Nations in BC for K-12 education.

What is ratification?

Ratification is the community’s vote whether or not to accept (ratify) the Law.

What happens if the majority of our people who vote, do not support the education law?

If the law is not ratified, Cowichan Tribes will still retain Education Jurisdiction and further consultation with the community will guide the development of a law that can be supported by a majority vote.

What happens next if community ratifies the Education Law?

If ratified, the next step is to move to implementation which includes developing education regulations under the education law, and implementing policies and procedures to provide direction for students, parents and education staff.  There will be a transition period as these pieces are developed and before the new Shxuts-xets-tun tu Quw’utsun Syuw’entst Lelum (Board of Directors) and staff are in place to oversee and implement the new education system.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

If you have questions please connect with Don Rempel, Education Jurisdiction Manager or Doreen Pollner, Education Jurisdiction Project Coordinator

Ph: 250-715-1022

5744 Allenby Road
Duncan, BC V9L 5J1

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